We Did Not Expect Ozzy Osbourne’s Favorite Film Is

Ozzy Osbourne, the man synonymous with dark and rebellious rock music, the Prince of Darkness himself, just threw a curveball on the latest episode of The Osbournes.

Known for his electrifying stage presence, bat-chomping escapades, and lyrics that delve into the depths of the human psyche, Ozzy wouldn’t necessarily be your first guess for someone with a deep appreciation for historical dramas.

But that’s exactly what transpired when his son, Jake, posed a simple question: what movie had a lasting impact on him?

Instead of the expected choices – a cult classic horror flick, a gritty biker movie, perhaps something that mirrored the intensity of his own music – Ozzy offered a single, unexpected title: Schindler’s List.

The Film’s Impact On Ozzy And Sharon
Sharon Osbourne couldn’t contain her own experience after Ozzy’s surprising movie pick. “I was just going to say that,” she chimed in. The harrowing portrayal of the Holocaust proved too much for her to bear. “I had to walk out,” she admitted, “I couldn’t take it – I walked out.”

Despite the film’s emotional intensity, Ozzy strongly believes everyone should see it. “I think every person should see Schindler’s List,” he declared.

He went on to praise the film’s impact, calling it “such an amazing… it’s done in a way that has such an impact on you.” Ozzy even shared encounters with Holocaust survivors who confirmed the film’s power. “They’ve said that in reality, Schindler’s List was nothing [compared] to what it was really like,” he revealed.

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