Ozzy Osbourne cancels public appearance due to health concerns

As the health concerns plaguing Ozzy Osbourne worsen, he has announced that he will not be able to attend a film convention in Arizona next month. The Black Sabbath frontman hoped to be strong enough to make the visit, but sadly, his doctor has advised him against carrying out the journey.

The charismatic heavy metal innovator was scheduled to appear with his famous family at the Mad Monster Party in Phoenix, Arizona, in July. The horror, sci-fi, and fantasy-themed convention will be held at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa from July 12th to 14th.

In a recent video statement, Osbourne’s devoted wife and manager, Sharon Osbourne, announced that she, her husband and their daughter, Kelly, will no longer be attending the event. Sharon provided the update, explaining their decision to withdraw from the appearance. “Regretfully, the Osbourne family have to cancel our upcoming appearance at the Mad Monster Party in Phoenix because Ozzy is unable to travel at this time,” she revealed on her Instagram story.

While Sharon and Ozzy remain at home for some much-needed TLC, they will send another ambassador for the family. “However, [Ozzy and Sharon’s son] Jack will be there flying the flag for the Osbournes,” Sharon added. “Everybody who bought the Osbourne package will, of course, get full refunds.”

Over the last two decades, Ozzy Osbourne has faced several health issues. On top of a youth spent living to the full in rock ‘n’ roll hedonism, the Black Sabbath singer has suffered several injuries and accidents throughout the years, including a near-fatal quad bike accident in 2003 that left him with multiple injuries, including a broken collarbone, six broken ribs, and a crushed vertebra.

In 2020, Osbourne was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurological disorder that inhibits movement and can lead to tremors, stiffness, and difficulty with balance and coordination. The condition could be partly linked to the nerve damage sustained in his 2003 quad bike accident, which necessitated several spinal operations.

Since the diagnosis, Osbourne has undergone cutting-edge stem cell therapy. In a May 2024 episode of his SiriusXM show ‘Ozzy Speaks’, Osbourne told co-host Billy Morrison that the treatment is intense but hasn’t dampened his enthusiasm to get back on stage.

When quizzed on his condition, Osbourne revealed that he had just returned “from the doctor after having some stem cells put in” him. “The thing is, you have it, and you go, ‘I don’t feel that great,’” he added, “but I don’t know what it would be like if I didn’t have it.”

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